The foundation before the foundation

The foundation before the foundation

The foundation before the foundation

Kari | July 8, 2019

When a bride comes to me for her trial run, I can really see what her skin is like and provide advice on how to best prepare for her wedding day. For your makeup to go on smoothly, there has to be a good foundation for your foundation! 

Here are a few simple steps that make a big difference:

  • Exfoliate ~ You can use a simple apricot scrub to get rid of dead cells on the surface of your skin. Also, when you get out of a hot steamy shower, the heat has opened your pores a bit. This is the perfect opportunity to use your towel as soon as you get out to slough off additional dead skin as you dry your face. It will make your face feel like a babies bottom!
  • Moisturize ~ Using a day and night moisturizer is one of the most basic things you can do to  keep your skin plump and youthful looking. For your wedding day, make sure there is NO sunscreen (SPF) in it though. Why? When that flash goes off, it will reflect light and make your face look lighter than the rest of your body.
  • Brows ~ For your eye makeup to look perfect make sure those brows are groomed and there are no stray hairs. Never tweeze, wax, or thread the day of your ceremony. It’s always best to take care of this several days before. Besides possible redness or rash, waxing can prevent eye shadow from sticking to the skin.

The better your skin has been cared for, the better your makeup will look!